Indonesia is known as a country that upholds good manners and ethics in life. Almost in every area always emphasize someone to have good morals when going about daily activities. So do not be surprised if education in Indonesia also always teaches and instills moral and ethical values.
Meanwhile, according to Imam Al Ghazali, morality is an inherent behavior in a person that can trigger good deeds without considering the mind first.
Reporting from the NU Online page, the Prophet was sent by Allah SWT to perfect human morals. Morals are one of the most important foundations for religious people. So that morals and ethics are needed for everyone who is religious in living life in the community.
The Meaning of Akhlak in Islam
Morals is a system that regulates human actions and patterns in living everyday life. In the teachings of Islam, the value system is a source of ijtihad as one method of Islamic thinking. Morality triggers actions and relationships between God, his fellow man and the universe.
According to Imam Al-Ghazali, morality is one of the traits embedded in the human soul that can cause an act that is easy to do without any consideration of thought anymore. Meanwhile, Muslim Nurdin says that morals is a value system that regulates human actions on earth.
The understanding of morals according to Muslim Nurdin is divided into two points of view, namely Suluq Azzahriah and Bataniah. Suluq azzhariah is a perspective that shows things that appear within such as speech, behavior and character. Meanwhile, according to Bataniah's point of view, morality is a science that discusses various problems faced by humans related to things that are psychiatric.
Like Akhlak According to Islam
According to Islam, there are two kinds of morals, namely akhlakul karimah (praiseworthy morals) and akhlakul mazmumah (reprehensible morals). As for the definition as follows:
1. Akhlakul Karimah
Akhlakul Karimah or called praiseworthy morals is one of the kinds of morals that must be owned by every muslim. As for examples such as morals include willingness to sacrifice, honesty, manners, tawakal, fair, patient and so forth. As Muslims we should always maintain morality in living our daily lives.
2. Akhlakul Mazmumah
Mazmumah's morals or reprehensible morals are one of the bad things that every human being should avoid. This must be shunned because the morals of the mazmumah can bring harm to themselves and others. Examples of the morals of the mazmumah are arrogance, envy, envy, takabur, aniaya, ghibah and others. As Muslims, we should avoid the morals of the mazmumah or the morality of reproach.
Benefits of Akhlakul Karimah
Every Muslim is encouraged to have a morality or praiseworthy morals. For someone who has this attitude, it can bring benefits to daily life and in the hereafter.
Here are some of the benefits of the commendable morals:
1. Loved by prophet Muhammad
The virtue of having the first morality of karimah is to be loved by the Prophet (peace be upon him). Mentioned in a hadith, a Muslim who has a commendable nature then becomes a person who is close to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). As in the following hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
"The people I love the most and closest to my place on the Day of Resurrection are those who have noble morals. While the people I hate the most and the most distant places from me on the Day of Resurrection are those who are hard and greedy, derogatory and arrogant." (HR. Tirmizi).
2. Weight of The Scales on the Day of Judgment
A Muslim who has a moral attitude in the last day will be saved by Allah SWT. In addition, every Muslim who has morality karimah can also reach the degree of someone who fasts and prays. As in a hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
"There is nothing that if placed on the scales is heavier than noble morals. Surely a noble person can reach the degree of one who is diligent in fasting and diligent in prayer." (HR. Tirmidhi).
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